The Citation Map is an interactive visual representation of all the citing and cited by (forward and backward) citations for a given patent; this is useful for when you are trying to identify prior art or potential infringement on a specific patent.
To view the map, click Citation on a patent detail page, and then click the Citation Map button.
Grouping Options:
Patent Family: Display the citation information of the patents that belong to the same Simple or INPADOC family as the patent you are currently viewing.
Application Number or Authority.
Display Options: Sort patents in the map by descending application and publication dates, current assignee name, IPC, or citation counts.
Search Field: Search for keywords in the full text patent.
Additional Patent Information: Click any of the patent numbers to display relevant information; you will also have the option to view the patent or download the PDF document.
Screenshots: The camera icon enables you to take a screenshot of the map and save it to your computer.